A Farewell to Real Estate Love Letters

When you were young, older people probably told you that the best thing about being old is that you no longer care as much about what other people think, and therefore, you no longer have to try so hard to impress people. In your own life, you can probably be grateful for the ways you do not have to start from scratch every time. Remaining on good terms with your spouse, or even resolving conflicts in your marriage, is easier than dating, even if you consider marital conflicts that have been going on for years and have no perfect solution. Getting through the next performance review at your job is plenty stressful, but it is easier than searching for a new job. If you are stressed out about your marriage or your job, think back to a time when you did not have either, when you had to start from zero to get them. Now look at your home. You are blessed to own a home; there was a time when you had never owned one. If you want to upgrade to a bigger home, it means getting back into the rat race, fighting tooth and nail to impress the seller and to convince them to choose you over all the other prospective buyers. Some people even write love letters for this purpose, but the current consensus is that writing real estate love letters is inadvisable. Instead of writing a love letter to the house that you want to buy, you should contact a Washington, D.C. real estate lawyer.
What Is a Real Estate Love Letter?
Perhaps a real estate love letter should properly be called a real estate flattery letter; there is no more sincere love at play here than when a college student rushes for a sorority. A prospective buyer writes a letter to the seller, expressing admiration for the house and trying to convince the seller that the letter writer would be the perfect fit to live in the house. This often involves persuading the seller that the buyer and the seller have a lot in common. Some buyers include pictures of their families in their current homes, complete with décor that matches the seller’s tastes. Prospective buyers who go above and beyond even buy real estate love letter stationery from ecommerce sites.
Why Are Real Estate Love Letters a Bad Idea?
Real estate love letters surged in popularity as mortgage rates skyrocketed and the housing market became even more competitive. More recently, though, real estate agents are discouraging prospective buyers from sending real estate love letters. The whole situation is a recipe for housing discrimination. If two buyers make a fair offer, the seller should not choose one of them on the basis of a picture of cute blond children in front of a Christmas tree. Instead, win over the seller with your professionalism.
Contact Tobin O’Connor Ewing About Real Estate Purchases
A Washington, D.C. real estate attorney can help you complete a real estate purchase in a competitive market. Contact Tobin, O’Connor, and Ewing in Washington, D.C. or call 202-362-5900.