Category Archives: Business Dispute

Business Disputes Are Twice as Ugly When It’s a Family Business
Business ventures necessarily involve risk. By engaging in business activities, you are accepting that things may not go according to plan, and you and your business partners will have to quickly make decisions that will result in the least amount of financial losses. It works best if you and your business partners can detach… Read More »

What Is A Receivership, And Why Do Businesses Use Them?
Not every DUI conviction results in jail time, but almost all defendants who plead guilty to drunk driving or get a guilty verdict at trial get their driver’s licenses suspended. In many DUI cases, once you get your driver’s license back, the court requires you to use an ignition interlock device, which is a… Read More »

What Businesspeople Should Know About Breach of Contract Lawsuits
Ask a student in a college of business what led them to choose their field of study, and they will probably tell you about the exciting world of business and entrepreneurship that awaits them. They have probably heard successful entrepreneurs talk about closing a business deal that led to long-term financial stability for everyone… Read More »

Partnership and Shareholder Disputes in a Washington DC Business
Business disputes are a relatively common situation, no matter whether you have a partnership or corporation. When you have multiple people trying to run a company together, there is a risk of conflicts within the business as well. Disputes between partners or shareholders are common and typically require the expertise of a skilled Washington… Read More »