Maryland Business Owners, Are You Ready For The Great Onboarding Of 2022?

The Great Resignation of 2021 is yesterday’s news, and in just a few days, it will be last year’s news. For business owners, the new year is not only a time to get all your documents in order so you can file corporate taxes; it is also a time to reflect on what you want to do differently in the coming year. 2022 appears as if it will be another year of uncertainty. While new variants of COVID and the response of federal and state officials to these new viruses are outside the control of business owners, staffing shortages are not a force majeure event. Growing your team in 2022 is an attainable goal if you make realistic plans about what you can do given the current size of your company’s workforce plus the number of new employees you can reasonably afford to hire. A Washington DC small business law attorney can help you refine these plans.
To Prevent Worker Burnout, Expect the Unexpected
According to Bruce Temkin of, 2022 is shaping up to be the year of the Great Onboarding. Qualtrix XM Institute, where Temkin works as a researcher, reported that more 72 million Americans will apply for jobs in 2022; more than half of these applicants will be 44 years old or younger. If you have clicked on a news website or conversed with a member of the workforce in 2021, then you know that workers in many industries are suffering from burnout. One of the most emotionally draining parts of working during the pandemic is not knowing when operations will grind to a halt, leading to another round of furloughs, and not knowing when an onslaught of new responsibilities is coming for workers who stay in their current jobs.
You can make people want to accept job offers from your company if you show that you have your act together. Tell them about your plan B, plan C, and plan D that you intend to implement if various pandemic-related scenarios become reality.
High Responsibility, Low Control
Even in circumstances far less challenging than these, the companies that do the best job of retaining employees are the ones that implement a high responsibility, low control management style. In other words, you provide plenty of leadership but little micromanaging. You have a plan and communicate instructions clearly to employees, but you do not boss them around. You continuously seek input from employees, but you have the final decision, and you publicly give others credit for their ideas. The only way to lead by example is to practice doing it, but lawyers can help you with the legal and financial decisions that can make your company an attractive work environment for employees.
Reach Out to Us Today for Help
Adding new members to your small business team increases the prosperity for everyone. A small business lawyer can help you turn your small business into a bigger small business, or even a medium-sized one, in 2022. Contact Tobin O’Connor Concino P.C. for a consultation on your case.