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Monthly Archives: November 2024


What the Foster House Settlement Means for D.C. Landlords

By Tobin O’Connor Concino P.C. |

Comfortable, affordable housing is hard to find in almost all urban areas in the United States, but Washington, D.C. is one of the country’s most notoriously expensive housing markets, both for buyers and for tenants.  Most of the rental units in the District are neither comfortable nor affordable.  The desirable units are out of… Read More »

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The Solitary Personal Representative’s Probate Dilemma

By Tobin O’Connor Concino P.C. |

If your main motivation for getting started on your estate plan is to reduce stress on your family members, then you feel a great sense of relief once you write your will, print it on paper, and sign it in the presence of two witnesses.  By designating someone as personal representative of your estate,… Read More »

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Asset Protection and Your Retirement Account

By Tobin O’Connor Concino P.C. |

Asset protection is a factor in most people’s estate planning strategy.  Some people establish trusts and transfer assets to their heirs while they are still alive in order to protect their heirs’ inheritance from being vulnerable to creditor claims during probate.  A simpler asset protection tool is probably already doing its job silently in… Read More »

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The Changing Face of Platonic Co-Ownership of Real Estate

By Tobin O’Connor Concino P.C. |

Anyone with a successful marriage will tell you that one of the key ingredients is to treat each other as business partners with regard to financial matters, even if you agree that each spouse also has a separate bank account for fun splurges or for financially supporting his or her own blood relatives and… Read More »

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